What You Should Know About Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins are produced by a fungus. Mold in the home is a common culprit when it comes to mycotoxins in your home. What is so scary is that mycotoxins are some of the most toxic substances to humans. With more than 16 different toxic molds commonly found in homes, mycotoxins are something that any homeowner should be aware of.

The different types of mycotoxins are listed below.






Eradication Methods

While mycotoxins are harmful, it is important to remember that they are not the same thing as mold spores which are alive. Mycotoxins are substances that can linger long after the mold is gone if the proper eradication method is not used.

A bleach solution is effective for removing mycotoxins, but bleach is not safe to use on all surfaces. Activated carbon filtration in the home can remove mycotoxins. Some homeowners use ozone generators to remove mycotoxins however no person or pet can be in the home during treatment because of the high level of ozone required.

A mold remediation specialist can make sure you get the services required to remove mycotoxins so you don’t have to worry about taking care of it yourself. Of course, this is accomplished after the initial mold removal process. Without treatment, it can take years for some toxins to break down.

Method Of Entry

Mycotoxins can enter the body by breathing them in, through the eyes, eating, and more. Since it is so easy for them to pass to humans, they can quickly cause a lot of health issues that the sufferer may mistake for a cold or seasonal allergies.

Hard To Treat Surfaces

Some parts of your home may be hard to remove mycotoxins from. Carpeting can harbor mycotoxins that an HEPA vacuum cannot remove. If you have experienced a mold problem, removing carpeting may be something that you have to do. Vacuuming can release mycotoxins into the air, so they are easily inhaled by members of your household.

Hidden spaces and corners are often overlooked. It is important to remove completely mycotoxins in as many locations as possible.

What Level Is Safe?

There are no guidelines for levels of mycotoxins in homes in the United States. The safest assumption to make is that the fewer mycotoxins, the better. Perhaps in the future as more research and awareness about mold is shared, there will be easy to understand guidelines.

Getting Help With Removal

A home has a lot of surfaces and space to consider. A mold remediation specialist that is experienced with mycotoxins is the best way to make sure your home has been treated as thoroughly as possible. It is practically impossible for one or two people to remove mycotoxins completely from a home without special equipment and cleaners.

After a mold expert has treated your home, you can prevent mycotoxins from returning by keeping surfaces clean, allowing more light into your home, and making sure that moisture issues are dealt with promptly when they occur.